Los Angeles County was expecting to reopen more sectors by March 15, 2021, at the earliest. Therefore, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health established guidelines covering indoor dining, indoor gymnasiums, and cinema halls.

The process of reopening business establishments will happen on the basis of California’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy. The US County is now in the blueprint’s red tier, which comes with many reopening processes as well as higher capacity events.

The Department was expecting to get into the tier, which makes more reopening processes possible from March 15 to 17, 2021, it stated earlier this month. Anyhow, it also said that the precise date hinges on when two million dosages would be given to individuals from California’s communities having the most insufficient resources.

Under the tier thereof, indoor dining would be allowed at one-quarter of an American restaurant’s maximum capacity, if it meets the following.

  • If it places tables with a distance of 8 feet between the furniture items;
  • If six individuals from a single household are seated on each of the tables; and,
  • If a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system works at its greatest possible ventilation.

A movie theater could be reopened if 25% of its seating capacity is reserved, plus there is a distance of six feet between the viewers.

Resuming indoor operations of aquariums, zoos, and museums would be allowed at the same capacity as above.

Reopening indoor fitness studios and gymnasiums would be permitted if those operate at 10% of their capacities and ensure indoor activities entail masks.

Operating personal care practices like barbershops and hair salons would be permissible if those meet the 50% capacity rule and mask guidelines.

Running indoor malls would also be permissible at 50% capacities, with their food courts operating at 25% capacities. The table and mask use guidelines applicable to indoor restaurants should be implemented for food halls.

The state’s red tier triggers the resumption of in-person school classes for 7th to 12th-grade students, as well. Los Angeles Unified School District is one of those districts that had been approved to reopen. As of March 16, 2021, the LAUSD and the United Teachers Los Angeles’ faculties’ union agreed on the reopening terms.

Furthermore, amusement parks, sports stadiums and other outdoor sites can be reopened from April 01, 2021, when the nation enters the so-called red tier.

Going by LA Mayor Eric Garcetti’s recent statement, stadiums and the parks would not be ‘super-spreader’ venues if those run at limited capacities.