LAC Takes Step To Permanent Allow Outdoor Dining

The County of Los Angeles is taking measures toward causing temporary ordinances, related to outdoor dining in unincorporated areas of the county, to be more permanent.

The governing body of the county voted for proceeding with the legal motion, including amendments to give guidance to cities throughout the county about participating in permanently permitting outdoor dining.

Janice Hahn, a member of the LAC Board of Supervisors, thinks that many would look to get seated outside, when they could do so, even in the absence of some health protocols. Hahn expects that much about the epidemic is left behind, except for outdoor dining. As for Hahn, it is among the things that should be kept in place.

Supervisor Holly Mitchell finds outdoor dining the key to aiding restaurants in staying open during this pandemic, when several regulations banned indoor dining.

As per Mitchell, people showed their affinity for small businesses in LA by dining outdoors and ordering takeout.

Thousands of businesses in Los Angeles County benefitted from the programs that let them put seats in parking areas as well as on streets and sidewalks.

Mitchell stated that too many restaurant locations may not only lack awareness of the said programs but also want a permanent ordinance to include awareness and outreach about outdoor dining. Some of those restaurants are in Mitchell’s district.

The legal staffers of the county may work on orders related to outdoor dining that they must report back to this board in the next few months.